Thursday, May 29, 2008

Two Peas in a Pod

Canyon's Cousin Frankie came to visit and what do you know they had the same shirts on!! They aren't really related but you would never know.
If you notice their shirts read "Here comes trouble" which is perfect for Canyon....I'm thinking Frankie is in the same boat!

Canyon has now adopted the Mohawk from is much easier to do thanks Marla!
My not so related cousins Marla and Brianna, which is funny becasue they are really the only ones I talk to!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


What a great Big Brother he would make!!

Ohhhhhhhhh Love them!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Canyon Lee, thought I would share it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Canyon's bedtime is 8:30 PM which is when I put him to bed. Like a good Mom, I always check on him before I go to bed around 11:30PM. This is what I walked into...notice the tool box spread open with all his tools out. Not to mention the fire truck(which he has been trying to fix ever since Dad took the batteries out months ago), can't forget the crane operator. Now you know that you can't work on your toys without your shop glasses!!
How can you be mad at that face?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Yard Work!

I tried to keep Canyon inside just long enough to let Dustin get started with the Bobcat. It only took a minute for Canyon to hear it and say "Mom I'm going outside with my dad in the tractor!!" I was lucky to get him changed out of his P.J.'s and snap one picture (only because the door was locked) before he got outside!
Canyon waited with Ziggy for his turn on the Bobcat with Dad.
After a long weekend of working hard to do the final grade, move gravel, sand and rocks we called it a day! Not to metion Canyon's sunburn which he reminded me of this morning when he woke up felling the burn on his cheeks. "Mom you forgot to put sunscreen on me!"

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mothers Day Memories

This is Canyon's first photo shoot 3 days old. I wanted to capture this beautiful moment when we found out we were starting a family.
Pictures taken at 8 months along in South Carolina with Dustin's Family.
We moved back to Utah just in time to play with all the new cousins!
Paris and Canyon became the best of friends. Paris always watched out for him and made sure he had his binki at all times!
My first Christmas as Mom.

Canyon's First Birthday! He had so much cake in his eyes and he kept rubbing it in. It was a horrible mess to clean up!

Anyway....those are some of my favorite Mommy memories.
I decided I will tag all Mommy's to to the same! That means you!

Monday, May 5, 2008

St. George Vacation

Canyon finally met his cousin Frankie (Marla's Son) They are only one month apart and sooo cute! I wish we lived closer!
My boys! (Ziggy is at a spa back in SLC) I don't know what I would do with out my little man!
Canyon and Carson
Canyon with Daddy
So we found this piano in Vegas, Canyon loved it as you can see.

At Circus Circus watching the crazy guys from Kenya. (I would recommend never going here if you can avoid it)
Playing at Lake Mead

My new Tattoo.
The Buddhist symbol means:

"Endless Love"
"Love will always find it's way home"